Monday, August 11, 2008

Hey, I am fine...just not happy at all...

I don't know!
But I am sure that I am fine...
or, so far so good
don't worry about that!

However, somehow I can clearly figure out that
I am not happy at all!
Before this, I always think that they are sharing a same meaning
but obversouly, I massed them up!

I am fine....but not good at all!
I just cannot even know what is eating me
otherwise, I can just fix the problem and be happy again!
No, I can't...for this time...
all I can do is do nothing..................
enjoying the blue mood is not a funny thing
it makes me up and down for times within a day

Even I - myself, cannot totally understand what have happened to me!
It may because I am becoming fatter and fatter and the trend seems to be out of control!

But I just refuse to know this fact!
How sad I am!
I mean, shit!