Tuesday, May 20, 2008


妄論其係米出於一種PR(public relationship)策略,起碼有心,夠曬!足夠曬!我為能夠成爲距既學生感到驕傲!
我take尼個course既program manager(類似國内輔導員之類啦)轉達校長意思的郵件原文如下(自己求其翻譯左下):
Dear all,Dr. Dodds has asked me to inform you that he is extending the deadline for Assignment 2 until Friday, May 30.校長叫我同大家知會聲,第二次作業會再次延期到月底交(因爲之前有同學以地震之後傷心到無mood寫作業而要求校長免交作業,個人覺得校長尼個延期既決定更加合理,畢竟人地延期係人情要求按時交係道理)
Please note that Dr. Dodds has had the Chinese flag lowered on the flag pole in front of McNally for the last 3 days in honour of those who lost their lives in the devastating Sichuan earthquake and the aftershocks. In North America we lower the flag to mourn and honour those who have passed on. In light of the close relationship that 咩咩咩(自動屏蔽費事有打廣告嫌疑)University has with China and many people in China, Dr. Dodds has also written to the Chinese Ambassador to Canada, Mr. Lu Shumin, to express his and the University’s condolences. 同時話過大家知阿校長已經要求學校係學校主樓前落中國國旗至少三日以爲果D係四川地震及餘震中喪生既人致以哀悼。係北美咧,我地落半旗係對逝世既人致以緬懷同哀悼既。鑒于我地學校同中國的密切關係,校長已經去信俾駐加拿大既中國大使Mr. Lu Shumin以表達距本人以及學校對今次不幸的哀悼與慰問
Lesley Magee
Project Manager